This photo was taken behind a church in Colleville-sur-Mer (Normandy) on June 14, 1944, shortly after the Allied amphibious landing, and showed three French civilians chatting casually with the American cameraman of 162nd or 165th Signal Photo Company near the corpse of the army German. The third stand from the left is the medical captain of ESB Omaha (5th or 6th company) identified from his helmet and red cross arm band. The photograph of the famous photographer Robert Capa was first published by LIFE magazine 3rd edition of July 1944 on page 11, and the censorship of the day has made the unit's logo on the helmet and the arm badge in the warrior with the back to the camera on the right to be invisible (actually it comes from from 82nd Airborne Division / First US Army).
As the Allied forces moved deeper in Normandy, the French people, under the direct orders of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, carried out sabotage actions and anything they could do to obstruct the efforts of the Wehrmacht troops fighting in his country. The German soldier in this photograph was killed by a Frenchman who had previously been forced to work for the Nazis at a salary of $ 2 per week. The Landser most likely came from 3.Kompanie / I.Bataillon / Grenadier-regiment 726 / 716.Infanterie-Division which was at that time placed in Colleville-sur-Mer.